Totally RAWSOME food, nature designed for your pet to THRIVE 


Enrichment Park Solo Hire

Private Dog Park Solo Hire

Whether you have a reactive dog who needs a safe space with no risk of coming into contact with other dogs, need a safe space for some training, or just want to have a playdate with some doggy friends, our Canine Enrichment Park is available to hire!


30 min hire


1 hour hire 


Additional dogs (non family)


How to book:

Create an account in our booking portal and add a "pet" account 

The system will still pop up with a questionnaire, this is aimed at our daycare enrollments. You can pop in that your account is for enrichment park hire

If your dog is reactive to humans or dogs, please pup this on your account somewhere. 

Once you have made your account, head to the "book now" button and select Enrichment Park hire

From here you can book in suitable dates and times for you! 

View the video below or contact us for help

private dog park solo hire private dog park solo hire private dog park solo hire 


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